fitness quality :: 11 keys to mastery
fitness is defined simply as “an organisms ability to survive and reproduce in a given environment.” For our purposes, you are the organism, and the environment is Planet Earth. Physiologists have since broken fitness down into 10 key qualities* that can be both measured and improved through training and practice. A healthy lifestyle places equal emphasis on the development of each of these qualities, creating a genuinely well-balanced athlete.
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strength |
the ability of muscles to apply force, either explosively or over extended duration
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flexibility |
the ability to maximize the range of motion (RoM) at a given joint
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balance |
the ability to control the placement of the body's center of gravity (CoG) in relation to its support base
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power |
the ability of a muscular unit(s) to apply maximum force in minimum time
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speed |
the ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement, i.e. running, punching
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endurance |
the ability of body systems to process, gather, and deliver oxygen - aka cardiovascular / respiratory health
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stamina |
the ability of body systems to process, deliver, store and utilize energy
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coordination |
the ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement
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agility |
the ability to minimize transition time from one movement pattern to another in response to an external cue
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accuracy |
the ability to control one's movement in a given direction and with a given intensity
grace |
an ethereal quality closely related to flow; how fluidly and beautifully a movement artist expresses themselves by moving their body through space & time.
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