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welcome to panyoga!What's PanYoga, you ask? Basically, PanYoga fuses a rich variety of practices from all forms of movement play into an elegant synthesis. The goal is to keep movement fresh, fun, invigorating... and inspired! Please enjoy our site, and may you always move in joy and flow! For starters, here's the etymology of our name and mark: pan
the emerald monarch™The butterfly is a universal symbol of radical transformation into a creature of exquisite beauty and divine grace, from earthbound worm to airborne flyer. Emerald green is the color traditionally used to represent the heart chakra, which lies at the energetic midpoint of the kundalini pathway. PanYoga embraces the practice of heart-forward yoga. Bringing the name full circle, the indiginous Guaraní people's name for the butterfly (in Brazil, Peru and Africa) is pan-ambi.
© 2009-2014 PanYoga / Greg Roberts. all rights reserved. reproduction is healthily encouraged with good karma.
phone (415) 968-YOGA